Wednesday, June 20, 2007

How to start a weight loss program

How many times have we started, then stopped, then only to start again a new weight loss program? Each time saying this time is going to be different. Only to find out that 2 months later we are frustrated and quitting only to start the cycle over again in a few months. If this sounds like you then there is relief.

The key to successful weight loss occurs before you ever start. It comes down to three aspects. The first is setting the right type of goal, the second if professional support, and the third is understanding that to achieve weight loss it isn't about being perfect everyday.

Most people set a goal of how much weight they need to lose. This is typically why so many people don't achieve their goals. State a measurable goal about what you want the weight loss to do for you. Fitting into a swimsuit or fitting into a pair of jeans leads to more success. This way you are not so dependant on what the scale says each week. Also, as you lose fat and build lean muscle you can lose an inch and not lose a pound. This is so critical because in the end we want to look better than just have less of the scale.

We all want to do ourselves or think we should. The reality is that all successful people get coaches. Athletes get coaches, business people get business coaches, successful people understand the importance of getting experts to work with them. The different insight and a person who knows what it takes is invaluable for success. It doesn't have to cost a ton either as online personal training programs cost like $9.95.

The third is so critical. If you believe you have to be perfect which is impossible then you beat yourself up everytime you are off by a calorie. Successful weight loss is developing good habits. Not one thing you do one day will ever matter. It is what we do overall per month and months that makes a difference. Give yourself a break and start losing weight.

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